The Rumpel and the Frog Show is the creative collaboration of two yarn-loving women who also share a passion for folklore, fairytales, and adventure. Rumpel and the Frog have a fairytale all their own… they met at work (a yarn shop, of course) and hit it off immediately, discovering common threads of fibers, literature, and beyond. Their serendipitous friendship spawned this charming podcast that is sure to delight you!


What’s in a name?

Who doesn’t love a great, fiber-related pun? Plus, Rumpelstiltskein and the Frogged Prince are two childhood stories that really resonate with Amy and Noël.

For Noël, the tale of Rumpelstilskin represents the magic of taking a raw material and turning it onto something else.

“Spinning yarn feels magical and grounding at the same time to me. When I spin I’m transported to a place of peace, excitement, joy and wonder - my senses are electrified through the textures of the fibers, the continual color transitions, the various smells and even the sound of the wheel as I treadle away.” - Noël

For Amy, the Frog Prince personifies a hidden gem and the potential in the overlooked.

“Creativity through fiber came later in life for me, and through knitting I finally found my inner artist. In knitting I get to put perfectionism aside, embrace mistake-making, and find delight in lessons learned with every ‘frogged’ row of stitches.” -Amy


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Curiouser and…

Curiouser… Amy and Noël’s unique backgrounds complement each other beautifully to create their whimsical podcast. Collectively they have more than 40 years of experience in the world of fibers, education, and storytelling.

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aka the Frog, is a high school Latin teacher and knitter, who also teaches sewing and knitting to students of all ages. She is passionate about sustainable fashion and making her own garments. Her love of words and colors often combine to influence the projects she chooses or designs.



aka Rumpel, is a fiber artist and illustrator who has worked as a Naturalist, Natural History Curator and Educator in the arts, history and natural sciences. Her love of wildlife, the great outdoors, and lore are entangled with the work she creates.